Carlton Porter

Carlton Porter has been a successful Entrepreneur for over 40 years and 20 years as a single father.

His success as a black father has produced four exceptional adult children with impressive careers and a 10-year-old already gifted and accomplished. Carlton is one of the premier hair stylists in the United States today, with over 40 years in the Beauty and Barbering industry.

In the last 7 seven years, he has taken his talent into the financial sector. His passion is empowering Black Families to build wealth and create a family legacy through education & application of economic principles that fit the 21st century.

Entrepreneur & CEO

The Black Hair Method

“Black Excellence: Fathers Re-Imagining Early Education”, a Workshop on Early Education

Black Excellence Fathers Reimagining Early Education (BE FREE) is an annual conference that connects with the community centered around empowering and engaging fathers. Driven by the desire to see policy center the interests of African Americans and, more importantly, to combat negative stereotypes of Black men, Carlton Porter created a forum to create change amongst fathers. 

Porter speaks to the need to have fathers involved in early education, especially Black fathers. In this workshop, you will learn about the stigma fathers face and the solutions used to support and empower fathers and families to ensure our children are adequately supported during their formative years. Bring your heart and mind to help shape the new face of the early years of Black education. 

About Carlton