Kameale Terry

Meet Kameale, the dynamo behind ChargerHelp, Inc. – the game-changer in on-demand electric vehicle charging station repair! As the Co-Founder and CEO, she's not just leading; she's revolutionizing how we power up.

Before sparking the ChargerHelp movement, Kameale was the powerhouse Director of Programs at EV Connect, orchestrating electric vehicle infrastructure projects globally. Her track record includes electrifying America, pioneering the Southern California Edison Charge Ready Pilot, and reshaping the New York Power Authority portfolio.

Co-Founder & CEO

ChargerHelp Inc.

“Educating Our Youth to Enter into Climate Control Careers”, a Workshop on Climate

"In today's rapidly evolving climate landscape, it's evident that addressing the multi-faceted challenges of climate change requires a new generation of dedicated professionals well-versed in the nuances of environmental sciences, policy-making, and innovative technologies. As we gather for this panel discussion on 'Educating Our Youth to Enter Climate Control Careers,' ChargerHelp! CEO Kameale Terry will discuss how we must look at the climate change careers in totality, focusing on EVSE Operations and Maintenance roles as the industry grows.

As educators, policymakers, industry leaders, and parents, there is a prioritization to invest in equipping our youth with the tools, knowledge, and passion they'll need to tackle the ever-expanding growth in climate change careers."

About Kameale

But Kameale's journey doesn't stop there. Picture this: she crafted and led the Customer Experience Department at EV Connect, championing local employment through strategic partnerships. A South Central Los Angeles native, Kameale's vision goes beyond tech – she believes in creating an equitable green economy through impactful workforce development.

Ready to dive into the future of electric vehicle charging with Kameale? Get set for a ride that's not just charged up but a realignment of how we power progress…